+421 2 322 123 11  info@ardaco.com Mon-Fri: 09:00-11:00 / 13:00-15:00

Long-term archive

Store and manage electronic documents reliably and for a long time

The registration of documents signed with an electronic signature in the system of a long-term trusted archive ensures the protection of the integrity of documents and the long-term verifiability of electronic signatures.

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The ability to easily verify the validity of an electronic signature decreases over time. No qualified certificate and signing algorithm has infinite validity.

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Long-term automated verifiability of a qualified electronic signature

The long-term trusted repository provides mechanisms that address this issue and allow your electronic signature for your document to be verified at any time in the future, even after the certificate you signed the document has expired.

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I want to integrate

Request our integration interface into your information system.


If you want to know more

If you would like to get more informations about our products and services, or you just want to ask something or greet us, do not hesitate to write to us.

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